"Catfish" Joe's Web lou-WOW!

I've got too much energy to switch off my mind
But not enough to get organized

-The The

Every page on the net is "under construction". These pages are "under mutation"; they change every time they are visited, barring a few nescessary constants. If you're lazy enough to stay here fifteen minutes and your browser supports META tags, we'll reload the page for you.

Service offer: send me unsolicited, "bulk" (commercial or non) email, and I'll proof it for 50 dollars a line! See here for more info on my valuable offer!

If you want to be blackholed at the gweep.net mail server, thou frothy elf-skinned baggage, send mail to my old flame-bucket or to an old address. If you don't like something about these pages, or wish to correlate address scraping thou warped fly-bitten clotpole, send mail to my current flame-bucket. If you like something about these pages, send mail to web-comment where scraped appears in the mailto link.


Totally Random Crimson Fact Number One:
He played Stephen in MW Repertory's production (in the round) of Israel Horovitz's Line (1991).

"I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance."

Go check out Saki's World!

Want more spew? Whatever you do, beware the Headless Cow!

And as a parting shot, one of those insufferable Saturday Morning toy advertizements:

Limited Edition Chicken's Blood for Happy Fun Ball! 
From Sirius Cybernetics! 
In stores now! 
Still legal in eight states!  
