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Well-known Crimson Fact Number Two:
"Please don't jump into Conclusion Chasm without checking into Hotel Reality first."
- Joe Provo
Might I suggest you visit my friend, Bozo Texino.
Want more spew? Let's watch some cartoons! Oh wait - now is time for the commercial interruption!
And as a parting shot, a sample from the Weekly World Spew's concert, club and music classifieds:
Weekly World Spew Concert, Club and Music Classifieds | You won't want to miss this weekend's GweepCo Talent Show! FIVE BANDS! 2 Stupid 2 Endit Seafood Hallowell Skunk KRad-Stars The Mighty Flosstones The UDP . . . with the vicious Bob Mold! | Your Village's Bandstand extended set this Thursday. Nine hours of Wasp Style |
The Red Elephant extended set this Friday. Seven hours of Dubstep Will Eat Itself | You won't want to miss this Tuesday's "Just Say Yes To Forbidden Donuts" Benefit! FIVE BANDS! Briefspaneflogstein Heissengeubtauback Dinosaur Style (U.K.) Sizable White Prod Elm Head Kennedy's Riding Crop . . . with S&M Vests available at the concessions! |