Saturday Morning Cartoon Toy Adverts

Turn the volume ALL THE WAY UP! Here are a few WORDS from our SPONSORS before returning to more ANIMATED VIOLENCE and PRODUCT TIE-IN!

From Chiba City...
the latest in Bandai's Happy Fun Ball line ...
Love Doctor!
Not suitable for children under six.

It's Drunk Obi-Wan Kenobi Burps! New, from DEC, Inc..

Are you ready to crush your friends? Then you're ready for:
Quahaug-Boy, for Mr. Millionaire Gang series
and new Bifurcatin' Mz. Manager!

Assembly instructions included!

Just in time for New Year's Day - from Lockheed-Martin
Souzaphone, for Buckaroo Banzai League series
and new Underwater General Slaughter!

Assembly instructions included!

The Latest Pepper Spray for Elephant-Family!
From HondoTRONIX!
In stores now!

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Joe Provo